THE VICE GOVERNORS OF ISABELA
                                                            Dr. Troy Alexander G. Miano
                                                                                            3 January 2022

I paid my last respect to the 10th Provincial Vice Governor of Isabela, the Honorable Ramon “Monching” Reyes, this morning as he was laid to rest in his hometown Alicia. My mom and I came to know Hon. Reyes when he was mayor. He would frequent the Office of Senator Heherson T. Alvarez to make sure he bring home projects for his beloved municipality. Hon. Reyes’ daughter, Cecilia Claire (Jeng), was a co-member in the 1st National Youth Parliament and later in the National Movement of Young Legislators. His only son, Ramon Jose Jr. (RJ), was a fellow Councilor and a colleague of my wife at the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Isabela. At present, Hon. Reyes’ daughter in law, Gayzle (Gege), and my wife are members of the Philippine Councilors League.

The passage of Republic Act No. 2264, the "Local Autonomy Act", on June 19, 1959 not only granted greater autonomy to local governments, but also expanded the composition of the Provincial Board by creating a new elective office, the vice-governorship and the Province of Isabela had 13 Isabeleños who occupied the post.

Honored to be the first in the list was Atty. Rodolfo “Rudy” Bagunu Albano, Jr. (1934-2019) of Cabagan who was elected on November 10, 1959 and served for one term from January 1, 1960 to December 31, 1963 under Governor Melanio T. Singson. Hon. Albano was later elected Representative of the Lone District of Isabela in the 7th Congress (1969-1972); Assemblyman of the Interim Batasang Pambansa (1978-1984) representing Region II; Assemblyman of the Regular Batasang Pambansa (1984-1986); Representative of the 1st District of Isabela in the 8th Congress (1987-1992), 9th Congress (1992-1995), 10th Congress (1995-1998), 12th Congress (2001-2004) & 15th Congress (2010-2013). Hon. Albano served as Chairman of the Energy Regulation Commission (2004-2008), Municipal Mayor of Cabagan (2013-2016) and as LPG Marketers Association Partylist Representative (2019).

The 2nd Provincial Vice Governor was former Mallig Mayor (1956-1959) and Provincial Board Member (1960-1963) Dr. Leocadio “Adiong” Estevez Ignacio who was elected on November 12, 1963. He served from January 1, 1964 until he assumed the governorship upon the resignation of Governor Melanio T. Singson on September 15, 1965. He was later elected as Constitutional Convention delegate in 1971 and after the People Power Revolution of 1986, he was appointed as OIC Vice Governor on May 1986 and served up to December 5, 1987.

The 3rd was former San Agustin Mayor (1951, 1952-1955, 1956-1959, 1960-1963, 1964-1965) Marcelo “Celo” Angeles Padilla (1913-1996) who was appointed as Vice Governor on September 16, 1965 and served under Governor Leocadio E. Ignacio until December 31, 1967. Hon. Padilla was appointed as Provincial Secretary (1968-1971) and later returned as Mayor of San Agustin (1972-1980, 1980-1986 & 1988-1992).

The province’ 4th Vice Governor was former Angadanan Mayor (1956-1959, 1960-1963 & 1964-1967) Hon. Eugenio “Iniong” Simon Guillermo (1913-1995) who was elected on November 14, 1967 together with Governor Samuel F. Reyes and served from January 1, 1968 to December 31, 1971. Hon. Guillermo was later appointed into his old post as Mayor of Angadanan (1976-1980).

The Province of Isabela’s 5th Vice Governor was former Provincial Board Member (1971) Dr. Wilson “Willy” Cabauatan Nuesa (1928-1995) of Roxas who was elected twice on November 8, 1971 and January 30, 1980 under Governor Faustino N. Dy who served from January 1, 1972 up to May 1986.

Former 1971 Constitutional Convention delegate Atty. Celso Domingo Gañgan of Ilagan was appointed Vice Governor during the OIC period together with Governor Silvestre H. Bello, Jr. and served from December 6, 1987 up to February 5, 1988. Hon. Gañgan, also a certified public accountant, later served as Chairman of the Commission on Audit.

Former Ilagan Councilor (1967-1971), Provincial Board Member (1972-1975) and Mayor (1976-1980 & 1980-1986) Atty. Manuel “Boy” Torres Binag (1941-2018) was elected the 7th Vice Governor in the January 18, 1988 local elections and served under Governor Faustino N. Dy. He was reelected in the same post on May 11, 1992 together with Governor Benjamin G. Dy. He served as No. 2 man from February 6, 1988 up to June 30, 1995. Vice Governor Binag was the first official presiding officer of the Sanggunian starting July 1, 1992 by virtue of the Local Government Code of 1991. Hon. Binag again served as Sangguniang Panlalawigan Member representing the 1st District of Isabela (2001-2004).

Atty. Edwin Callangan Uy of Roxas was elected twice as Provincial Vice Governor in the May 8, 1995 and May 11, 1998 elections together with Governor Benjamin G. Dy and served from July 1, 1995 up to June 30, 2001. The province’ 8th Vice Governor was later elected in the House of Representatives for the 2nd District of Isabela in the 12th Congress (2001-2004), 13th Congress (2004-2007) & 14th Congress (2007-2010).

Former Reina Mercedes Mayor (1960-1963, 1964-1967, 1968-1971, 1972-1980 & 1980-1982) and three-time Representative of the 3rd District of Isabela in the 8th Congress (1988-1992), 9th Congress (1992-1995) & 10th Congress (1995-1998), Atty. Santiago “Ago” Palogan Respicio (1931-2016) was elected on May 14, 2001 and served as Isabela’s 9th Vice Governor together with Governor Faustino S. Dy, Jr. from July 1, 2001 up to June 30, 2004.

Hon. Ramon “Monching” Munsayac Reyes (1947- 2021), a former Municipal Councilor of Alicia (1972-1980), Municipal Vice Mayor (1980-1986), Municipal Mayor (1988-1992, 1992-1995 &1995-1998) and one time Representative of the 3rd District Isabela in the 11th Congress (1998-2001), was elected twice in the second highest post in the province in the May 10, 2004 and May 14, 2007 local elections. Hon. Reyes served under Governor Maria Gracia Cielo M. Padaca for two terms from July 1, 2004 up to June 30, 2010.

In the May 10, 2010, national and local elections, the province’s 11th vice governor, Hon. Rodolfo “Rodito” Albano III of Cabagan was elected and served for one term from July 1, 2010 up to June 30, 2013 together with Governor Faustino G. Dy III. Hon. Albano was the 1st Kabataan Barangay (KB) Federation President of Isabela & Ex-Officio Sangguniang Panlalawigan Member of Isabela (1982-1986); Municipal Mayor (1988-1992, 1992-1995 & 1995-1998); and Representative of the 1st District of Isabela in the 11th Congress (1998-2001), 13th Congress (2004-2007), 14th Congress (2007-2010), 16th Congress (2013-2016) & 17th Congress (2016-2019). Hon. Albano is the incumbent Provincial Governor of Isabela.

Hon. Antonio “Tonypet” Taguinod Albano of Cabagan was elected the 12th Vice Governor of Isabela on May 13, 2013 and served under Governor Faustino G. Dy III from July 1, 2013 up to June 30, 2016. Governor Dy and Vice Governor Albano were reelected on May 9, 2016 and served from July 1, 2016 up to June 30, 2019. Hon. Albano is the incumbent Representative of the 1st District of Isabela in the 18th Congress.

The Province of Isabela’s 13th and incumbent Vice Governor is Hon. Faustino “Bojie” Guzman Dy III of Cauayan who served in all local elective post. Hon. Dy served as Kabataan Barangay (KB) Federation President of Cauayan (KB Chairman & Barangay Kagawad of Barangay District 1) & Ex-Officio Sangguniang Bayan Member (1982-1989); Association of Barangay Captains President of Cauayan (Barangay Captain of Barangay District 1) & Ex-Officio Sangguniang Panlalawigan Member of Isabela (1989-1992); Municipal Vice Mayor (1992); Municipal Mayor (1992, 1992-1995, 1995-1998 & 1998-2001); City Mayor (2001); Representative of the 3rd District of Isabela in the 12th Congress (2001-2004), 13th Congress (2004-2007) & 14th Congress (2007-2010); and Provincial Governor of Isabela (2010-2013, 2013-2016 & 2016-2019). My wife, Councilor Jasmin L. Miano of Cabatuan served as an Ex-Officio Member of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (PCL Federation President) under Vice Governor Dy.

The Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160) defined the functions of the vice governor. The provincial vice-governor is the presiding officer of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan who formulates policies and programs for the realization of the vision, mission, and goals of the Province. The presiding officer shall vote only to break a tie. The vice governor appoints all officials and employees of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan and assumes the office of the Governor in the event of temporary or permanent vacancy. This very important position was held by 13 Isabeleños who were either lawyers (5), doctor of medicine (1), doctor of philosophy (1), certified public accountant (1), businessmen, mayors (9), governors (3), congressmen (7) or 1971 Constitutional Convention delegates (2). Isabela is very fortunate for the vice governors who served the province had traditionally supported their incumbent governors in all their projects, programs and activities of the administration.

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